Problem sheets 7 and 8 correspond to my section of the course. I have removed the solution sheets, as the same problems may be used by future lecturers. If you want a copy of the solutions for purposes other than avoiding having a good go at the problems yourself, email me.
The lecture notes and problem sheets are copyright ©Toby Cubitt, and are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
The main text book for this part of the course is the book by Hannabuss. But any good text book on quantum mechanics will cover this material. A sample of ones I like is listed below, but if you find one that presents the material in a way that you find easier, you should by all means make use of it.
There is no single ideal text book covering this part of the course. The books and references listed below cover parts of it in a way that's not too far removed from the course, but serve more as an accompaniement to the lecture notes than an alternate source for the material.
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